Category: Control Instructions in C

Arithmetic calculator using switch statement 9

Arithmetic calculator using switch statement

#include #include void main() { int choice, no1, no2, result; clrscr(); printf(“\n\n*********************”); printf(“\nArithmetic Calculator”); printf(“\n*********************”); printf(“\n\n1. Addition\n2. Subtraction”); printf(“\n3. Multiplication\n4. Division”); printf(“\n\nEnter your choice: “); scanf(“%d”,&choice); switch(choice){ case 1: printf(“\nEnter the two number:”); scanf(“%d %d”, &no1, &no2); result = no1 + no2; printf(“\nThe Addition of %d and %d is %d”, no1, no2, result); break; case 2: printf(“\nEnter the two number:”); scanf(“%d %d”, &no1, &no2); result = no1 – no2; printf(“\nThe Subtaction of %d and %d is %d”, no1, no2, result); break; case 3: printf(“\nEnter the two number:”); scanf(“%d %d”, &no1, &no2); result = no1 * no2; printf(“\nThe Multiplication of %d...

for Loop in C programming language 42

for Loop in C programming language

In this article, I will explain usage of for loop in C. You will understand the syntax of for loop and learn how for loop works in C language. Let’s get started. In while and do-while statements, we need to write logic to repeatedly execute a block of statement by initializing a counter and incrementing it after each set of steps. This sometime looks tedious and decreases the readability of the program. The readability of the C program can be improved by using C for loop. Using for loop in C, we can merge all the three parts i.e. assignment,...

do while loop in C programming language 24

do while loop in C programming language

Let us understand do while loop in C with help of an example. syntax: do { /*block of statement*/ }while(condition); Explanation of do while loop in C: Here, while and do are the keywords in C language which is know to the compiler. Condition can be any expression. This is very similar to while loop in C. Here, the block of statement enclosed in the opening and closing braces after the keyword do is executed at least once. After the execution of the block of statement for the first time, the condition in the while is executed. If the condition...

while Statement in C Programming Language 23

while loop in C programming language

In this article, we will understand the while loop in C programming language. Let us suppose you want to execute a block of statement 5 times. There is one approach using goto statement as shown below. #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { int i=0; clrscr(); label1: i=i+1; printf(“%d This will be repeated 5 times\n”, i); if(i!=5) goto label1; printf(“End of the program”); getch(); } Output: 1 This will be repeated 5 times 2 This will be repeated 5 times 3 This will be repeated 5 times 4 This will be repeated 5 times 5 This will be repeated 5 times End...

Loops in C Programming 10

Loops in C Programming

Loops in C are used to change the sequence or flow of the program. The basic behavior of the program is that it starts it from the beginning of the program, executes the particular statement only once and proceeds to the next statement. This behavior is continued till the end of the program is reached. But sometimes we need to execute a particular statement more than once. At this point Loops in C plays an important role. Following are the types of Loops in C language we can use in the program: while loop do-while loop for loop statement

break statement in C 17

break statement in C

break statement in C language is the keyword known to the compiler. The break statement is used to break from any kind of loop. Let us understand the use of break statement using an example. Example: for(i=0;i<10;i++) { /*block of statement*/ } Let us suppose that we want to come out of for loop when the value of i equals to 5. The solution to this is using break statement. The problem can be solved using break statement as follows: for(i=0;i<10;i++) { /*block of statement*/ if(i==5) break; } When the break statement in C is executed the control is transferred...

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