Tip of the Week Series

Hello Readers,

Welcome to LearnCOnline.com

Thanks a lot to all the readers for overwhelming response. Thanks once again for the wonderful feedback provided by you all.

After reviewing the feedback we have planned to start “Tip of the Week” series. This series will provide you with the tips on the C Programming language which will be very much useful for the beginners and the advanced programmers as well.

We are looking forward to receive your valuable feedback.

LearnCOnline Team

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1 Response

  1. write a C program to find gross salary of employpee. if the basic salary is less than 2000, then HRA=11% of Basic salary and DA=80% of basic. if the salary is equal or above Rs. 2000, then HRA= Rs. 600 and DA=95% of basic salary. basic salary of employee is the input

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