Tagged: turbo c program

Learn C - understanding c programming 47

Learn C with help of an example

In this article, we will learn C by going through the below program and understanding each line of C code in detail. 1) /* 2) Program: 3) Addition of two numbers 4) */ 5) //Here it starts 6) #include<stdio.h> 7) #include<stdlib.h> 8) void main() 9) { 10) int a, b, c; 11) /*Assign the values to the variable a and b */ 12) a = 5; 13) b = 4; 14) /*Perform addition of a and b */ 15) c = a + b; 16) printf(ā€œ\nAddition of a and b is %dā€, c); 17) } Let us learn C by...

C Programming Examples 22

C Programming Examples

In this section you will find some useful C Programs. These programs have been written and tested in Turbo C. In case of any queries, do post a comment. Program to add two numbers using function (Pass by value method) Program to add two numbers using call by Reference Progarm to calculate Factorial of a given number Program to generate Fibonacci series Arithmetic calculator using switch statement Addition of Array elements Search first occurrence of element in an array Sort array in ascending order Sort array in descending order Reverse a given Number Calculate Length of a String (without using...

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